Dec 29, 2017
When I sat with Romain, he told me that, all his life he has tried to dig in most parts of himself to try to find a truth that he could express through his art. A truth? Listen to his answer.
Dec 22, 2017
Toute sa vie, Patrick a toujours essayé de rêver, d'aller au fond du mystère et d'en ramener des mots et des histoires.
Dec 18, 2017
When I sat with Juliana, she told me that she has always tried to give herself room to change and to progress into new spheres. Whether they are emotional, mental or physical. The idea is to be always more open to the world, inside and outside herself.
Dec 15, 2017
I sat with Alandra to understand how it's possible to create poetry on the street upon request. Actually, it always starts with a conversation with the person who wants a poem from him. Then words come in the process that should resonate. Is that inspiration? Listen to his answer.
Dec 8, 2017
J'ai rencontré Théo dans son petit studio du downtown à New York. Je lui ai demandé si monter des images pour le cinéma n'était pas une forme de manipulation ? "C'est comme dans un train, on met le spectateur sur des rails, mais il a toujours la liberté de regarder autour." Ou de fermer les yeux.