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Mar 26, 2020

In this episode, you’ll hear Andy Froberg Tax Director at GIP, a private equity fund which goes to investors to invest their money and to generate returns for them. Andy has to find a way to put together all the promises GIP has made to investors with all the tax regulations that apply. That’s the big...

Mar 19, 2020

Benoit Janson est restaurateur d’art à Paris.

Son nom et sa profession ont reçu un coup de projecteur médiatique lors des travaux de la boutique parisienne d’Oscar de la Renta en 2019 près des Champs Elysées. Il faut dire que l’histoire est extraordinaire : derrière un mur, un tableau du XVIIesiècle de six...

Mar 6, 2020

In this episode, you’ll hear Dominique Borel, talking about her story as an interpreter from English to French and from French to English.

Generally speaking, an interpreter translates orally and instantly. It's a creative process because it’s an act of adaptation between two cultures, two languages and also...